How to write case study essay
Ielts Essay Topics In Pakistan
Wednesday, September 2, 2020
District Budget Comparison Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Region Budget Comparison - Research Paper Example When looking at two Texas school areas Lubbock Independent School District and Laredo Independent School District-exploration will show a couple of similitudes and contrasts among the regions regarding socioeconomics and spending investigation. All information and examination led will be gotten from the Texas Education Agency Academic Excellence Indicator System (AEIS) Reports and each district’s Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the 2010-2011 scholarly school years. Understudy Population Student Population by Grades Lubbock Independent School District is situated in Lubbock city, Texas in Region 17. As indicated by the AEIS report, Lubbock ISD has 28, 680 understudies in more than fifty schools. The area is made out of 35 grade schools, 10 center schools, 4 secondary schools, and 3 disciplinary elective instruction programs. Lubbock ISD has 53.1% of its understudy populace at the basic level. Nearby secondary school enlistment represents 25.4% of the understudy popula ce and the center school for 21.5%. ... At the basic level, the locale has 57.4% of the understudy populace selected. Neighborhood secondary school enlistment represents 23.6% of the understudy populace and the center school for 19.1%. Table 1.1: Student Enrollment by Grade Level Grade Level Laredo ISD Lubbock ISD State Elementary 57.4% 53.1% 50.8% Middle 19.1% 21.5% 21.9% High School 23.6% 24.4% 27.2% Graph 1.1: Student Enrollment by Grade Level Source: TEA, Academic Excellence Indicator System (AEIS), 2010-11. Laredo ISD enlists more understudies in the rudimentary level when contrasted with Lubbock and State. Then again, the extent of its center and secondary school is not as much as that of Lubbock and state. The extents of Laredo ISD and those of states are very comparable. Understudy Population by Ethnicity Laredo ISD has an overwhelmingly set as far as ethnicity and by and large understudy populace, implying that the understudy populace as a rule is steady and uneven, contrasted with different regions with greater d ecent variety. Laredo ISD has a prevailing Hispanic circulation. Practically 100% percent of the understudy populace is Hispanic. In any case, Lubbock ISD is somewhat more differing in its ethnicity cosmetics despite the fact that Hispanics despite everything command. Hispanics selected record for 53.9% of the understudy populace, while whites follow with 29.1%. African Americans represent 13.3%, American Indian 0.4%, Asian/Pacific 1.7% and different ethnics 1.6% of the Lubbock ISD understudy populace. Table 1.2: Ethnicity Comparison Ethnicity Laredo ISD Lubbock ISD State African American 0.1% 13.3% 12.9% Hispanic 99.5% 53.9% 50.3% White 0.3% 29.1% 31.2% American Indian 0.0% 0.4% 0.5% Asian/Pacific 0.2% 1.7% 3.5% Others 0.0% 1.6% Graph1.2: Ethnicity Comparison
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Change Management for Organization Development -myassignmenthelp
Question: Talk about theChange Management for Organization Development. Answer: Presentation Change the board is likewise alluded to as CM is an aggregate term for all the methodologies required to plan and bolster people, groups and associations really taking shape of the hierarchical change. The change the board likewise incorporates the techniques that diverts or reclassifies the utilization of the business procedures, assets, and the portion of the spending plan and different methods of activity that change an association or an organization individually (Cameron Green, 2015). The Organizational Change Management that is the OCM thinks about the entire association and what is required to be changed. By the by, the change the executives is utilized to allude how the individuals and the groups are influenced by the hierarchical advances. The associations must be OK with the progressions that are happening in the business condition. Because of the development of the innovation, the cutting edge hierarchical change is propelled by the outside advancements more than the inside components. The accompanying article talks about the speculations, models, types and studies of arranged change (Gerth, 2013). Conversation: Theories of progress the executives To deal with the change and the execution of the change procedures it is imperative to dodge usage of the insignificant and the subjective techniques. The change the executives is the continuous procedure, which requires significant investment, devotion and endeavors to actualize and run. There is additionally the necessity of the including of individuals or the workers of the association who will likewise be influenced by these changes. Coming up next are a few techniques and ways to deal with execute the change the executives: Lewins Change the executives model This model is well known and successful that assists with understanding the hierarchical organized change. Kurt Lewin structured the individual model during the 1950s. The model has a couple of stages that incorporate unfreeze, change and freeze. There is the need to have a groundwork for the change and the association must be set up for the change. This is a significant stage as generally individuals oppose change (Hayes, 2014). The association needs to investigate its center and rethink it. The genuine progress happens in the phase of the change. This requires some investment, as individuals need to adjust to the change and grasp it. There is the requirement for good authority and consolation to make the procedures simpler for the staff. The way to progress is correspondence as of now. After the change is acknowledged the staff and procedures right now refreezes and things will in general return to their ordinary daily schedule. The progressions ought to be utilized by the individu als all the time with a feeling of strength and certainty that are procured. After the change has been perceived, grasped and executed by the association and the individuals, the things become secure once more. McKinsey 7 S Model The experts working for McKinsey Company during the 1980s built up this model. It has seven stages. The procedure is to be made to go past the opposition and arrive at its objective. There is the need to build up an efficient methodology. Furthermore, the manner in which the association is to be partitioned ought to be as per the structure. Thirdly, there ought to be an everyday framework for the exercises to be performed. Fourthly, the mutual qualities, which are the fundamental estimations of the association. Fifthly, the way or style, wherein the progressions are received and executed. Sixthly, the staff and their working capacities. In conclusion, the abilities controlled by the representatives of the association. This model offers a directional factor to the hierarchical change and a superior comprehension of the association. The model is perplexing in nature contrasted with the others (Matos Marques Simoes Esposito, 2014). Kotters change the executives hypothesis This hypothesis of progress the executives is received for the most part. John P. Kotter has planned it. This hypothesis is isolated into eight phases. The expansion includes the formation of a need to keep moving among the individuals to give them inspiration to push ahead. The structure of the group is by the choice of a blend of aptitudes, information and duty. So as to enable activity and usage of the criticism it is to be done in a helpful manner (Pollack 2015). The spotlight must be on transient objectives is a decent method to make progress. Additionally dealing with the adjustment in a powerful way assists with strengthening this in the work environment culture. Perseverance ought to be there during the time spent the change the executives. This model is anything but difficult to follow and fuse. The focal point of this hypothesis is to acknowledge the change and get ready for it instead of evolving itself. Be that as it may, the whole procedure in this model is very tedious. Each progression of this model gas to be followed and none can be skipped. Arranged change the board Various speculations in change the executives have guided the organizations to change all the parts of various offices. Arranged change should be possible in structure, innovation, HR or a mix of the previously mentioned highlights. The size of progress can be portrayed by the gradual or central change (Bridges, 2017). Arranged endeavors to change have been censured by numerous individuals. The initial step to change the executives is to distinguishing the gathering of individuals that should be engaged with a change. This relies upon the associations administration capacity, work structures and hierarchical strategies and systems to inflexible opposition. The settings of the change the board either being household or being worldwide have customarily applied that procedure to actualize and animate the development in the associations. Conceptualization and practice of arranged change These change exercises ought to be guided by the accompanying parameters Data about authoritative highlights that are needing change Anticipated or expected results for rolling out the improvement economical The systems by which the results are accomplished Possibilities of effective changes Worries that are not to be exploited The hierarchical improvement experts and exercises that fits the bill to happen in change Various sorts of arranged change The three principle kinds of arranged change is Singular this change can be of three sorts once more. Change in dispensed employment task. At that point the change in transferable factor. Last is the adjustment in development level, which accompanies the required, with respect to the administration factors. Gathering this change should be viewed as various components. Including the worker's organizations and work place changes. Wastefulness in the work configuration additionally needs change in-bunch class. Absence of correspondence is likewise guided by bunch change. Association - various capacities and highlights of progress control authoritative change. This is the adjustment in pecking order level and includes the basic change, Strategic change, operational procedure situated change and in conclusion the individuals arranged change like conserving the whole work power. Ways to deal with various arranged change highlights Authoritative plan - The old style or the conventional hierarchical structure have for quite some time been the methodology of associations. It fundamentally centers around work duty, making divisions suitable in nature and division of work and the line of execution. The structure might be level or for an organization, which works on worldwide premise or redistributes the assets can be smoothed out. However, the mix can be the reason for auxiliary change (Cummings Worley, 2014). Decentralization as the organizations adjusts to transform they makes their way to development. Decentralization implies that including the minor independent hierarchical units that are intended to expand inspiration and introduction of unit individuals and to concentrate on most noteworthy primary concern exercises (Hayes, 2014). Instances of a full verification arranged changes great result is when Cray Empires Researchs choices to let the organizer Seymour Cray purchase his own examination advantage and putting resources into a different new organization, Cray Computer, is a genuine model. Another model is Disneys profession to make Touchstone Pictures, that offers more in vogue films than the standard Disney admission. Changed work process adjustment of the work process framework in an association can be ad libbed by a definitive efficiency upgrades. Ventures are the way to accomplish that. Mechanical change - the transformative consolidations of innovative change has been proof to significant change in the organizations. The range of worldwide advances has been the way to accomplish the ideal change in association (Bradley 2016). Outside and inside components - The outer elements that impact the arranged change are the monetary, serious, globalizations and enactments powers, that effects or animates the change. Accordingly, these powers can be distinguished as a positive power. The efficient elements like budgetary status of the economy, the difficult buyer powers and other a few elements incorporate this (Mantere, Schildt Sillince, 2012). The more significant among this is the administrator variables and purchaser inclinations that include this. The interior elements includes the administration change which gives a change in outlook in the association advancement and recruiting hazard is likewise engaged with this parameter. The correspondence issue that occurs in the association expected to likewise change the consolidation. The Intrapreneurship change is likewise a factor that pushes the inward association change (Mitchell, 2013). End In this way, from the above change the board speculations and arranged change the executives conversation of the pundits it tends to be presumed that, if an organization is on a stale stage change is basic, however there are numerous part of progress that can go negative in the event that they are not considered appropriately. The positive result can turn into a bad dream for others not engaged with change to coordinate easily. References Bradley, G. (2016).Benefit Re
Friday, August 21, 2020
The treasure in the forest Essay Example
The fortune in the backwoods Paper The story happens during Victorian occasions at the pinnacle of the BRITISH EMPIRE. The possibility of the White British men searching out new land to colonize, get assets and conceivably slaves. Anyway this wasnt the objective of this band of pioneers, it was to search out lost Spanish fortune for self addition. The two men were named Evans and Hooker. The area wasnt known as it was virgin land however it was some place off China in Pacific Asia. It was disengaged and uninhabited, the land was contained by little and medium measured islands. They length over huge spans with minor and immense measured holes of partition. The voyagers entered the boundary of coral encompassing the island through a hole that was a little stream. They trailed the waterway inside to the white sanded sea shores they saw a thick timberland. This may have been comparable sight to the kind of palm tree seen by the Victorian travelers in India or some place in Africa. The foliage of the trees was like a fleecy splendid cloud. It made a nearly stunning scene, there was a reasonable view through the virgin backwoods. The rose like mountains, the wonderful sights, the presence of the ocean was quiet and still yet bursting with light. We will compose a custom article test on The fortune in the backwoods explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom exposition test on The fortune in the backwoods explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom exposition test on The fortune in the backwoods explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer The sun was sparkling with clear liberality like an apex heater, the place that is known for the rising sun. It was quiet, the main clamor was from the dark blue ocean running into the coral and the stones. The air was loaded up with warm dampness and the cool Pacific ocean breeze at the same time. They were coasting into a tidal pond while watching the guide and examining it. They were depleted and didnt feel the commendation that they were expecting as a prize for the last leg of their undertaking. Hooker was paddling while Evans shut his eyes marginally and fell into a surprise. He could see a dim piece of the woods and where it was vacant he fantasized. It was evening time and he saw three figures, a fire consuming on one side and twilight on the opposite side. The center figure a cross with red, silver and dark in shading. He heard them talking in pigeon English, this was weird to him. He saw the Spanish vessel that had steered into the rocks and the sick and fatigued men take their pontoons and leave. He at that point saw Chang-hello there go over the Spanish ingots and leave to cover them. This was the mystery data Evans required, the specific area of the fortune. He sees stacks of gold and attempts to go after it however Chang-greetings was halting him and afterward he undermines Evans. Evans dream gets nonsensical as Chang-hello's ponytail shows up in his grasp and is getting bigger alongside the remainder of his body. The stacks of gold on fire before his eyes, the very thing he was scanning for. At that point a goliath fallen angel like animal filled his mouth with coals, he was seriously scorched. He heard another fallen angel yell Evans, Evans you languid moron! It was Hooker yelling, they were at the mouth of the tidal pond. They got off and onto the sound of the tidal pond. Hooker flipped around the kayak and utilized it like a blade to cut their direction trough the green tangled vines and brushes that encompassed them. Nature they had entered was strange to them in pretty much every manner. The weird trees, tall grass, blossoms and plants were all anonymous to them. They saw a figure among the trees, it was in an unnatural position. The two of them moved closer, it was a blue shaded chinaman. This was a stun to both as they had a premonition feeling this was Chang-chi. They saw a gap was at that point uncovered and contemplated internally about what was here and the way that another person had been here as of now. They went inwards and they found the gold ingots, Evans got them with his exposed hands and stalled out in his thumb. He didnt understand the risk at that point and proceeded. They were contending about what ought to be finished with Chang-chis body, Hooker needed to cover the body yet Evans needed to simply let it remain there. They inevitable chose to leave the body and accept a couple of gold ingots as they couldnt take any more weight. They conveyed the ingots in a cot type contraption utilizing Evans coat. Abruptly Evans let his half of the coat drop and got his throat, he conflicted with a tree and stated, itll be okay in a moment. He shouted out in torment and tumbled to the floor hunkering on his side, he was moving carelessly and uncontrollably. Hooker knew the plant, he had seen a clan of wilderness individuals use it as toxic substance in their blow darts. Evans advised Hooker to remove the ingots and get from there, Hooker got together the ingots into Evans coat. While he was doing this he felt a little prick ready of his thumb, he hauled the thistle out and tried futile to suck the toxic substance out, there was nothing he could accomplish for Evans or himself. Hooker never truly pondered Chang-chi yet he thought what the guide had stated, my mystery is very much protected. Hooker knew at last what he had implied by this and just envisioned his smile while seeing his friend. Evans who was jerking like a fish on dry land with its final gasp at any second and Hooker squatted while sitting could do just become sculptures of disappointment in their critical hour.
Sunday, May 31, 2020
Malala Yousafzai Essay - 550 Words
Malala Yousafzai (Essay Sample) Content: Malala YousafzaiAuthorà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s nameUniversity AffiliationMalala YousafzaiMalala Yousafzai is a great woman who almost died while fighting for she believed was right. She was a strong woman who understood the value of education. Pakistan was her home and in this country, the Taliban believed that women never had to attend school. In fact, the Taliban were keen on ensuring women do not get educated. As a child, Malala was among the few girls who went to school even despite the Taliban threat. Her father was active in speaking against the Taliban and their stand on girls not getting educated. Her fatherà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s friend was shot while going for prayers and this worried Malalaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s father since based on the events they were to be next.Even as a child, Malala had been active in campaigning for girls to get an education. This made her famous, and she even got used to interviews from reporters both locally and international. This campaign portrayed her as a lead er since few people dared to go against the Taliban and its beliefs. Given that her father was an activist, this was a constant motivation for her to justify what she believed in as the right thing. The story of Malala serves to give other women and girls who are oppressed by Taliban that education is their right. Nothing can stop people from getting educated even if they have to sacrifice everything. Having been shot as a child, Malala became even more famous and her campaign for education becomes a global trend.Some campaigns describe her as the bravest girl in the world since she still went ahead to campaign for education even after an attempted assassination. Her struggle is centered on education especially for girls in areas that suffer oppression. Currently, she has a global platform in which she shares her story with the world. This makes her a leader in Pakistan and the world. She was the youngest ever Nobel Prize laureate, and this made her more famous than she was before. Back in school, she used to top her class, and that was a way of showing that the girl child can perform equally well in school. Even in her campaigns, she makes people understand that education is not about the infrastructure but the level of dedication. Her dream to be a politician or an inventor makes her different from what most women in Pakistan prefer.She is currently a blogger and uses social media and her influence as a global symbol of promoting education. She proposes a system in which each child should have a single teacher, a single book, and one pen. She sees this as a system that can change the world and make better students. Malala has a petition that calls on the United Nations to recommit the goal of getting all children education by 2015. The Malala Fun... Malala Yousafzai Essay - 550 Words Malala Yousafzai (Essay Sample) Content: Malala YousafzaiAuthorà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s nameUniversity AffiliationMalala YousafzaiMalala Yousafzai is a great woman who almost died while fighting for she believed was right. She was a strong woman who understood the value of education. Pakistan was her home and in this country, the Taliban believed that women never had to attend school. In fact, the Taliban were keen on ensuring women do not get educated. As a child, Malala was among the few girls who went to school even despite the Taliban threat. Her father was active in speaking against the Taliban and their stand on girls not getting educated. Her fatherà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s friend was shot while going for prayers and this worried Malalaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s father since based on the events they were to be next.Even as a child, Malala had been active in campaigning for girls to get an education. This made her famous, and she even got used to interviews from reporters both locally and international. This campaign portrayed her as a lead er since few people dared to go against the Taliban and its beliefs. Given that her father was an activist, this was a constant motivation for her to justify what she believed in as the right thing. The story of Malala serves to give other women and girls who are oppressed by Taliban that education is their right. Nothing can stop people from getting educated even if they have to sacrifice everything. Having been shot as a child, Malala became even more famous and her campaign for education becomes a global trend.Some campaigns describe her as the bravest girl in the world since she still went ahead to campaign for education even after an attempted assassination. Her struggle is centered on education especially for girls in areas that suffer oppression. Currently, she has a global platform in which she shares her story with the world. This makes her a leader in Pakistan and the world. She was the youngest ever Nobel Prize laureate, and this made her more famous than she was before. Back in school, she used to top her class, and that was a way of showing that the girl child can perform equally well in school. Even in her campaigns, she makes people understand that education is not about the infrastructure but the level of dedication. Her dream to be a politician or an inventor makes her different from what most women in Pakistan prefer.She is currently a blogger and uses social media and her influence as a global symbol of promoting education. She proposes a system in which each child should have a single teacher, a single book, and one pen. She sees this as a system that can change the world and make better students. Malala has a petition that calls on the United Nations to recommit the goal of getting all children education by 2015. The Malala Fun...
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Impact Of Greater Trade Liberalisation On Influencing A...
Introduction This research proposal is going to assess the impact of greater trade liberalisation on influencing a pollution heaven effect. By using the implementation of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) as an indicator for reducing the costs of moving production, we can determine whether the given the opportunity of greater trade liberalisation, Canada would move pollution intensive production to the less environmentally regulated country of Mexico. A difference-in-differences approach is suggested in order to compare the pollution haven effect on Canada, the US and Mexico in comparison with non-NAFTA countries. 1. Aim The relationship between trade liberalisation and the existence of pollution havens have brought about†¦show more content†¦This can be seen through trade liberalisation that occurs when countries open up to greater free trade and remove trade barriers or tariffs. This occurred in 1994 with the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). This agreement broke down trade barriers between the US, Mexico and Canada in order to create one of the world’s largest free trade areas. Canada and the United States are both highly developed industrial nations that have high levels of environmental regulation and enforcement of such. Whereas Mexico, as a developing nation, stands in contrast to them. Although some point out that Mexico has comprehensive law providing strict environmental protection which can be considered just as stringent as Canadian or American legislation. Due to the fact that Mexico lacks the financial resources to fully enforce these regulations it therefore is considered to be more lax in regards to environmental regulations. In this sense Mexico will act as the Pollution Haven due to weaker environmental policy enforcement compared to the US and Canada, which are similar in terms of environmental policy implementation and enforcement. Stern (2002) has found that Mexico had approximately twice the level of sulpur emissions compared to the US, when taking account of the level of income and the input–output structure of the economy. The
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Coca Cola Marketing Communication free essay sample
COCA COLA MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS SUCCESS We all know what coca cola is. It needs no introduction. It is the carbonated drink that we call coke and that most people can’t live without. Coca cola has been in business for 125 years. It has 139,600 employees in more than 200 countries from all over the globe and produces 1. 7 billion servings per day. As a successful beverage company, coca cola has enjoyed 49 consecutive years of increased dividends which means that it is successful and it is profiting – a lot! (The Coca Cola Company, n. d. ) Coca cola is the major sponsor of the biggest show on earth, American Idol – a reality singing competition in the United States which has ran for 10 seasons. This year, American Idol is on its 10th year. If you watch the show every week you will see the seriousness and aggressiveness of its marketing campaign. Coco cola is used as a screen saver for American Idol’s big screens on stage. We will write a custom essay sample on Coca Cola Marketing Communication or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page You will also see very conspicuously and coca cola resting on the judges’ tables sipped by the famous celebrities of the world, Randy Jackson, Steven Tyler and Jennifer Lopez. Of course the seemingly subtle hints are screaming subliminally to viewers to sip the same soda that the famous people are drinking. At present there could be more than 60 million viewers of the show from the United States alone, that excludes the other countries all over the world that are glued to the primetime show, let’s make it then hundreds of millions of viewers representing different races, genders and age and even religion. So that is the target number of coca cola’s market through American Idol. This is an effective strategy of coca cola that can be summed up as hitting many birds with one stone, that is, through American Idol alone. In addition to American Idol Coca Cola also shows advertising campaigns that are customized in each specific country and which are shown on televisions, internet, radios, billboards and simple signs and banners on retail stores. The objective of customization is to ensure a culturally-friendly and gender-sensitive marketing campaign. The ifferentiation of coke’s marketing strategies ensures a stable and growing market for the soda. In some countries coca-cola is advertised using cartoon characters that attracts children. More appropriately coke advertisements show the whole extended family from the great grand-parents up to the great grand-children who are all enjoying a big and important family celebration with coke. With this strategy the age category is hit and so with the concern of being culturally sensitive especially for cultures w ho value the family or Christmas celebrations all their lives. Coke is endorsed by famous international and local celebrities from Hollywood to Bollywood actors and actresses, sports celebrities and athletes, singers and politicians. Some of its advertising campaign use local celebrities admired by the coke-drinking public. Some advertisements also show regular people that the majority of the coke market can very much relate to. From the major cities of the world to the most remotest communities coca-cola is a popular carbonated drink. It is a fact that coca cola has conquered even the remotest of communities in the Sub-Saharan Africa or in South-East Asia, which means that it is virtually everywhere. Today, the company promotes the following positive messages to its patrons. It’s coke smile-izer; Live positively; Where will happiness happen next? ; Yes Coca Cola; and Coke Perfect Harmony and a lot more! All of these positive and happy images attract a large number of following, because who would not want to be not happy and positive. In addition to this coke has a proven benefit to drinkers which is its quenching thirst ability and its good taste. In a globally competitive world where stress and depression are the outcomes, the stimulating taste and effect of drinking coke coupled with its similarly stimulating advertisements in all forms of media from the television, the internet, radio, print ads, billboard and banners that are customized and translated to different language is a big hit. In other words it is successful. While coke advertises aggressively it also promotes itself through marketing gimmicks such as coke rewards, voting American Idol for free by submitting free lyrics, its poverty reduction campaign and protection of polar bears. These techniques particularly the last two promotes coca cola as a socially and environmentally responsible company that appeals to the socially aware drinking public. With coca-cola’s marketing strategy it is assured of growth, leadership and sustainability which are its overarching goal and its mission: optimism, happiness, creating value and making a difference (The Coca Cola Company, n. d. ). REFERENCE The Coca Cola Company, n. d. Our Company. [online] Available at: http://www. thecoca-colacompany. com/ourcompany/index. html [Accessed 10 May 2011].
Friday, April 17, 2020
Sample Psychological Report free essay sample
She lives in an isolated rural location, has to travel some ten miles to work, and there is no public transport for her to use. Consequently, she has no option but to drive and experiences severe and disabling anxiety when she does so. The intensity of her reaction tends to fluctuate depending on her experiences on the day. Sometimes she is able to make the journey in one go but more often than not she will have to stop and compose herself, for example if someone is driving too close behind her, suddenly pulls into her pathway, or if there are lorries in close proximity. She is unable to drive in the dark or if the weather conditions are poor. Her employers have been sympathetic toward her difficulties and have provided her with a computer at home with e-mail, so if she is unable to drive she can continue to work from home. We will write a custom essay sample on Sample Psychological Report or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Other than avoiding driving in the dark, she also avoids driving on motorways. She will avoid any non-essential journey and will not even go out shopping, now buying goods over the Internet. She acknowledged that short local journeys are not too distressing although she endeavours to limit the time that she spends in the car. As a result of her driving anxiety her social life has been considerably curtailed. Whereas she used to drive to see friends, she now no longer does so. She generally prefers to remain at home and whilst she will occasionally go out to town if necessary, she will avoid doing so if at all possible. She is exceedingly wary of other vehicles on the road, particularly those travelling behind her. She feels that she is constantly looking in her mirror and as a result is aware that she is driving unsafely. She is also very anxious as a passenger, reflecting that at times she will scream out, and on one occasion even tried to get out of the car. She will make the driver, usually her husband, pull over at times given the extent of her distress. She does not feel in control and feels that the driver tends to go too fast for her. If they do have to go anywhere socially then she prefers to travel by train. She feels very despondent about the extent of her anxiety as she is aware how limited her life has become as a result. For example, she and her husband no longer go for days out in the ca for pleasure and neither does she go on shopping trips in town which she used to enjoy. She has endeavoured to seek help for her difficulties. She underwent a course of driving lessons but was told that there was nothing wrong with her driving and that it was in her head. She was referred by her doctor to a counsellor but did not find this of any help in managing her anxieties. Mrs Jones did not describe dwelling on the accident and neither did she note spontaneous intrusive imagery of such. However, she is reminded of the accident whilst travelling in a car and is always conscious of vehicles travelling behind. The main psychological impact of the accident would appear to be her shattered belief in her sense of safety whilst travelling in a car and that there is nothing she can do to protect herself. This is in marked contrast to her former confidence driving, where she was able to undertake long distances in the car and had even driven on her own to Scotland and abroad. Whilst she did not describe having recurrent dreams of the accident she did describe anxiety type dreams in relation to the driving situation where she will be trying to drive from the back seat of the car and unable to reach the pedals. In general her sleep has not been markedly affected by the accident. However, she will wake up worrying in the middle of the night if she has a particular journey to undertake the following day. She did not describe being anxious in other situations other than in relation to car travel. However, even news of accidents on the television will cause her to worry and feel anxious, as she fears that she will be involved in a similar incident. There was no indication of symptoms of emotional numbing. She reflected that â€Å"life goes on†and is generally happy whilst at home. She did not describe any loss of interest in her previous hobbies of knitting and sewing, but does feel frustrated that her social life has been affected on account of her driving anxiety. Her relationship with her partner has not been effected as she remains close and loving toward him and, indeed, he would appear to be very patient and sympathetic over her difficulties. She is not generally more irritable, although does get uptight in the car and rows can sometimes ensue. She did not describe any significant concentration difficulties reflecting that she has been able to cope with her work. However, she does worry that, whilst her employers have been sympathetic in the past, they would appear to be increasingly frustration about her situation in respect to her driving anxiety and avoidance. There is no sense of a foreshortened future. 2 of 5 5/21/13 5:54 PM Sample Psychological Report http://www. psychologyservice. co. uk/report1. htm Her husband, who attended part of the interview, noted a number of changes in Mrs Jones. These included: 1. The main change has been in respect to driving and car travel and whereas she used to enjoy going out at weekends, they no longer do so. . They no longer have the same social life as they used to and holidays have been curtailed as these usually involve driving. 3. If scenes of accidents occur on the television, then he has to change channels straight away. 4. It is difficult to accompany her in the car now given the extent of her anxiety. 5. She is more cautious when she is driving herself. 6. As a passenger, she insists that he pul ls over if anything comes up from behind. 7. Her sleep is disturbed prior to any notable journeys. (2. 2) PREVIOUS PERSONAL HISTORY Mrs Jones was born in South Yorkshire and grew up in Lincoln. She has one sister. She has good memories of her childhood although her mother suffered from poor health and died when she was in her twenties. She has remained close to her father whom she continues to visit on a regular basis. He is now retired and in his eighties. Mrs Jones enjoyed school and left at the age of sixteen after her GCSE examinations. She went on to study business and administration at college and has worked with the same company since then in administration. She is happy in her job and did not describe any other concurrent stressors. She has been married since 1995 and she and her husband generally have a good relationship together. They do not have any children. (2. 3) PREVIOUS MEDICAL HISTORY Mrs Jones described her medical history noting that she had generally been fit and well. She did not note any previous psychological problems and history of such in her family. She recalled a previous road traffic accident several years before that in question, although this had not affected her confidence driving. She has never taken any psychotropic medication and neither has she undergone any psychological therapy prior to the accident. Since the accident, she has seen a counsellor, but did not find this of any help, reflecting that generally the counsellor just let her talk about her feelings and thoughts associated with the accident. (2. 3. 1) MEDICAL RECORDS The claimant’s general practice records from 1970 have been obtained and studied in respect of references to psychological or psychiatric symptoms/conditions which predate the matter under litigation, or occur subsequent to it, and which may be relevant to the current investigation. a) PRIOR TO THE INCIDENT 15/12/1996 RTA, hit from the side, low speed, some neck pain. Nil else. 10/3/1998 Some stress at work, not sleeping. Doesn’t want medication. 6/4/1998 Feels better now. (b) SUBSEQUENT TO THE INCIDENT 4/11/2002 Had accident yesterday, some neck pain. Tearful, not depressed. ?PTS. Advise rest. 03/01/2003 Accident 2/12 ago, terrified of travelling in car. Probs getting to work. Requests counselling – refer M Lewis. Not depressed at presen t. 29/1/2003 †¦.. fear of driving ? for psychotherapy 05/02/2003 Letter of referral to M Lewis regarding fear of riving which is clearly interfering with her quality of life 16/04/2003 Letter M Lewis, Counsellor, noting referral and that an appointment had been offered. 10/08/2003 Still troubled by driving +++ (2. 4) TEST RESULTS (2. 4. 1) DSM-IV POST TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER SYMPTOM CHECKLIST (As compiled by the writer from the above interview) A (1) Event involving actual/threatened death, serious injury or threat to physical integrity NO (2) Experience of intense fear, helplessness or horror ? Symptom Symptom present Current post accident but not necessarily current 3 of 5 5/21/13 5:54 PM Sample Psychological Report http://www. psychologyservice. co. uk/report1. htm B RE-EXPERIENCE PHENOMENA (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Recurrent/intrusive recollection NO NO Recurrent dreams NO NO Acting/feeling â€Å"As If†event recurring NO NO Distress on exposure YES YES Physiological reactivity on exposure YES YES C AVOIDANCE/NUMBING (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Avoidance of thoughts/feelings NO NO Avoidance of activities/situations YES YES Inability to recall NO NO Diminished Interest NO NO Estrangement/detachment NO NO Constricted affect NO NO Sense of foreshortened future NO NO D INCREASED AROUSAL (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Sleep difficulties NO NO Irritability/angry outbursts NO NO Concentration difficulties NO NO Hypervigilance YES YES Exaggerated startle NO NO For a DSM-IV diagnosis of PTSD, positive answers are required from (A) 1 and 2, a minimum of one symptom from (B), three symptoms from (C) and two symptoms from (D). In addition, there must be clinically significant impairment of functioning. (YES) Symptom present but not necessarily related to PTSD ? Some symptomatology present but does not fulfil criteria (3) DISCUSSION AND OPINION Following a road traffic accident in November 2003 Mrs Jones has suffered a marked psychological reaction. She would not at any time have qualified for a diagnosis of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. She described no significant symptoms of traumatisation. However, the accident appeared to shatter her belief that she could travel safely in a car and left her with a marked sense of vulnerability which underlies her anxiety in relation to car travel. Mrs Jones clearly suffers from a Specific Phobia in relation to driving/ car travel. Whilst she has continued to drive she experiences great distress when she does so and generally endures this situation with dread. The extent of her anxiety has had a marked impact upon the quality of her life, as she, at times, has to work from home and her social life and interests have been restricted. Despite counselling there has been no improvement in the intensity of her psychological reaction over time. Prior to the accident Mrs Jones will be noted to have experienced some stress at work, although this was short lived and did not persist for any length of time. There is no indication of a continuation of a pre-existing condition, and anxiety related to car travel has never been part of her clinical picture beforehand. Whilst she had had a previous road traffic accident in 1996 this had not affected her psychologically. Consequently, her symptoms of anxiety related to driving and car travel can be entirely attributed to the accident in question. 4) CONCLUSIONS (4. 1) SUMMARY OF DIAGNOSIS Mrs Jones has suffered a Specific Phobia to driving/car travel of moderate intensity, which has persisted without improvement over the past year. (4. 2) CAUSATION Her symptoms of anxiety related to driving and car travel can be entirely attributed to the accident in question (4. 3) PROGNOSIS There has been little improvement to date in Mrs Jones’s symptomatology despite being referred for coun selling. However, this form of therapy is rarely appropriate in such anxiety cases and can conversely make the situation worse. She requires cognitive behavioural therapy and with appropriate intervention there should be good recovery within some six to nine months from the commencement of such. (4. 4) TREATMENT REQUIRED Mrs Jones currently requires cognitive behavioural therapy with a therapist such as a chartered clinical psychologist or cognitive behavioural therapist. This should be sought privately given the long waiting lists within the NHS and the cost of therapy should be 4 of 5 5/21/13 5:54 PM Sample Psychological Report http://www. psychologyservice. co. uk/report1. htm udgeted at between ? 90 to ? 120 per session. Some eight sessions should suffice. (5) DECLARATION I understand that my duty as an expert witness is to the court. I have complied with that duty. This report includes all matters relevant to the issues on which my expert evidence is given. I have given details in this report of matters which might affect the validity of this report. I have addressed this report to the court. I confirm t hat I have not entered into any arrangement where the amount or payment of my fees is in any way dependent on the outcome of the case. I confirm that insofar as the facts stated in my report are within my own knowledge I have made clear which they are and I believe them to be true, and that the opinions I have expressed represent my true and complete professional opinion. Mr Brown BSc. MSc. CPsychol Chartered Clinical Psychologist (6) APPENDIX Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) – 4th ed. (1994) Published by the American Psychiatric Association The ICD-10 Classification of Mental and Behavioural Disorders (1993) By the World Health Organisation moving ahead in psychology 5 of 5 5/21/13 5:54 PM
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